Friday 10 August 2012

Time to hit the road!

So the day of departure has finally arrived - its scary how quickly time flies by!

The 'out of office' is set, the bag is packed and all the loose ends have been tied up .... I hope :o)

I'll be spending the next month living and working in Belo Horizonte, Brazil as part of the IBM Corporate Service Corps (CSC) programme.  

I'll be working in a team with 14 other IBMers from all over the world (from 12 different countries) during that time and with a really great sounding organisation called Mãos de Minas, who help local artisans get their products to market, both nationally and internationally. 

Its hard to get my head around it all, but the reality of it has been gradually sinking in over the past few weeks as we approached the travel date ... and now its here!

I'm really looking forward to meeting my teammates tomorrow who I've gotten to know during the course of our preparation work over the past 3 months. Everyone brings a different skill set and background to the table so its going to be fantastic to be working with such a great bunch of professionals. I also can't wait to meet our Clients in Mãos de Minas, experiencing Brazilian culture, tasting the food, catching the sights ... there's not much I'm not looking forward to!

Overall I feel incredibly privileged to have this opportunity and I plan to make the absolute most of it!

My next blog post will be from Brazil, so until then thanks for reading and take care :o) 


#ibmcsc Brazil

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