Friday 17 August 2012

1 Week In Already

Its hard to believe but we're already a week into the assignment! I almost can't believe it, and there's been so much packed into the past 7 days its been tough to even get time to blog about it all.

So anyway the early part of our week was a real voyage of discovery on the work front. We have gotten to meet so many really great people who work in the client organisation and their passion for what they do to support the local artisans is clear to see.

We're starting to better understand how the organisation is structured and also how we can play a role in helping them in some areas which is certainly helping me feel reassured that we can deliver something of value within the time we have available - time that seems to be flying by way too fast!

Wednesday turned out to be a state holiday and one of the client team members - Lucas - very kindly offered to take us to the central market and show us around. It was yet another example of the welcoming nature of the Brazilians and we really appreciated him giving up his day off to spend with us. Also two of his good friends came along too which was great. We got see lots of examples of artisan products that would be typical of the region and of our clients associates, some really interesting and creative work.

I also learned that in Brazil they do not call Brazil Nuts, Brazil Nuts ! the translation of the name means nuts from the region of Para, which is in the north of the country. A nice bit of trivia I thought :o)

We also got to attend a community street party and sampled the local sense of community and togetherness - the main purpose seemed to really be to unite the neighbourhood and create an excuse to get everyone in one place to meet and socialise, it was a really fun idea and I personally thought it was such a great way to get to know who lives around you - something I'd love to see happen more in Ireland.

I also heard a new Brazilian saying which is 'you never make friends drinking milk', which basically means that you really get to know someone and become their friend over an alcoholic drink - obviously as an Irishman I'm really struggling to grasp this concept .... lol

Thursday was very much a back to business day, which unfortunately started late due to our lift breaking down! but it was no major drama. We had a really good day as a team working through all our thoughts, ideas and approaches. We seem to be getting places and want to get to refining our scope of work by end of day today, so its our first major deadline that we'd like to meet. I'm really enjoying the process and experience I'm gaining from the whole thing and what I'm learning from the other team members.

And now today is Friday and I'm running late so I better go !!


#ibmcsc Brazil


  1. Good to hear how the first week went Paddy, a really rich experience so far by the sounds of it and fun, which is also important when you're away from home. Keep the blogs coming, even if short :-)

  2. Sounds like quite the experience - hope it is exceeding your expectations! I leave for my CSC assignment in UAE in just over two weeks.

    1. Thanks Paul, Its a really great program, I'll bet you will also thoroughly enjoy it. I'll keep an eye out for your posts - interested to see the differences/commonalities in experiences between the geographies. Safe travels!
