Saturday 1 September 2012

A week of cultural experiences

So the CSC assignment is not just all about work (as some people may have gathered from my facebook photos!) its also about learning about a new culture, gaining an understanding of how the country your in is growing and changing as it develops, and educating yourself as an individual about how different people think, work and live.

Given this was our third week out of the four we'll spend in Belo Horizonte, we decided to immerse ourselves in some experiences that Brazil is noted for. The final week here is going to be pretty hectic so it was really our last chance to do some group activities in the evenings after our day's work.

Tuesday: Capoeira

One of the other team's clients is a Capoeira instructor so they very kinda agreed to give us a 90 minute session in it. Its a sort of martial art / dance and its origins date back to the times of slavery here in Brazil. It was incredibly physical even though its non contact and takes great skill and strength to do the moves well. It was so much fun though, something I'd never even think of trying at home and really glad I got the opportunity to give it a go. We also got to give some of the traditional instruments a try which was pretty fun too.

Here's a video of how its meant to be done, which obviously bears very little similarity with what we managed to do! But we tried our best and really enjoyed it (and sure felt it the next day too!).

Wednesday: Watch a football match (unfortunately on tv rather than live in a stadium)

Its true what they say about football in Brazil, its like a religion, and boy do they take it seriously! We went to a local bar to watch one of the big local sides play - Athetico. Their mascot is the Rooster (Galo), and Ronaldinho is the main man for them. Whenever they score the whole city seems to erupt into cries of GAAALOOOOO! its something else to experience. Both men and women equally seem to take the support of their team so passionately and when a goal gets scored they sure let their emotions show!

I'd also gotten to watch the Classico (local derby) between Athlethico and Cruzeiro on the previous Sunday, which was frankly crazy! Three sendings off, a 15 minute stoppage for missiles being thrown on the pitch, 4 goals (2-2 final score) - the last of which was scored in the final minute. There were people up on chairs in the bar, shirts taken off and lots of shouting - was a lot of fun to witness.

Thursday: Samba

Like most Irish men, dancing is something you usually have to be seriously coerced or blackmailed into doing - but heh I'm in Brazil and if I was going to samba anywhere then it'd be here. We had a local instructor that we'd met come to the hotel for a 90 minute session.

The first thing we did was stretch - that had me worried for a start, how tough was this going to be! Then we went through various basic moves over and over again until we finally could put it into a short sequence/routine. It was such a good laugh, you couldn't help but enjoy it no matter how bad or good you were.

I discovered two main things (1) like Zoolander, I'm not an ambi-turner! my hips were designed to move in a clockwise direction only and (2) that I don't quite have 2 left feet as I originally thought, its more like 1.8 or maybe 1.7 perhaps :o)

Will throw a picture or two in here once I get hold of them.

It was really good to take the opportunities to do these activities in the evening, unfortunately it made the week just fly by! We did complete a number of things on the work front too this week and have our final client presentation scheduled for Monday morning 9am! We still have some work to get finished up after it, but I think we're in pretty good shape overall.

Will let you know how Monday goes for us - Paddy

#ibmcsc Brazil

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